Citrix Consumer Product Unification Concept
Enhancing and unifying Citrix's consumer products

Initiative that began exploring a new consumer product branding, but expanded to unify and enhance the overall user experience including cross-product integrations and other concepts ideas in multiple devices.

My Role
Sr. Lead Designer defining concepts, visuals and interactions. Worked closely with other designers and a developer to create an interactive demo prototype.

Concept Storyboards


New Patterns & Components

Design Work | Brand Exploration with Sample Intro Animation 

Design Work | Screen Stills 
Eye Verification Login Concept Screen
Podio Redesign Concept
GoToMeeting Redesign Concept | iPad Device
Citrix Secure Mail Redesign Concept | Mobile Device

Interactive Demo Prototype Recording

– Designs influenced branding look and feel for Citrix consumer products at the time.
– Concept was shared company wide and inspired some cross-product integration features in multiple products.